Sunday, June 22, 2014

Wound Infection - A Common Complication Of Surgery

Wound infection is one of the commonest complications of any surgical  procedure.

Although most wound infections are superficial and mild, rarely it can be large, deep and lethal.

Most wound infections follow surgery in areas that are not clean(dirty or clean contaminated environments). Emergency Appendectomy is one such common environment, especially if the Appendix is already perforated.

Most straight forward Acute Appendicitis under the cover of perioperative antibiotics recover well without complication of wound infection.

Some perforated appendix develop wound infection postoperatively regardless of any antibiotics given.These patients will require wound dressings on a regular basis for about 1-2 weeks until the wound is clean enough(picture above) before it is ready for Secondary suturing.

Some patients may opt for regular periodic dressings till 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Golds In Gut

In the midst of global economic slump,bordering on recession if not depression, any glitter that resembles that precious metal asset Gold is very attractive indeed.

Unfortunately,that gold-like structures above is a picture of multiple bile duct stones being extracted endoscopically during a procedure called Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography, or in short ERCP.

These stones originated in the Gallbladder.

Patients with symptomatic Gallbladder Stones(=Gallstones) who delay treatment in the form of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy may be complicated by Bile Duct stones.

Usually,patients will experience excruciating abdominal pain in the area of the Upper Right abdominal region associated with Jaundice(Yellow Eyes) and sometimes Fever.

The treatment consist of 2 steps;

1.ERCP to remove the Bile Duct stones

2.Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy to remove the diseased gallbladder containing the original stones

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Is colon cancer preventable? - Western Focus - Jamaica Gleaner - Saturday | January 4, 2014

Is colon cancer preventable? - Western Focus - Jamaica Gleaner - Saturday | January 4, 2014

Breast-Preserving Cancer Surgery

One of the most important reason why breast cancer patients refuse mastectomy or decide late for the operation is the notion that one has to part with a very sentimental organ if ones body( especially female).

Mastectomy can be likened to limb amputation. There is a lot if emotions involved in dealing with diseases that require radical removal of organs that shape the individual personality.

It is not a common knowledge to most people that some breast patients may not need a complete(total) mastectomy.

Some patients are suitable to undergo a Partial Mastectomy/Quadrantectomy preserving some portion of the breast.

Patients with small primary tumour located in the outer portion if a big breast is most suitable for Breast-Preserving Cancer Surgery.

This picture is showing skin markings surrounding a small primary breast cancer located in the upper outer quadrant of a large breast.

This picture shows the portion if the breast removed together with the axillary tissues.

The picture shows the specimen cut open demonstrating the small tumour in the centre(the whitish tIssue) surrounded by normal breast tissues.

The picture shows the remaining breast being reconstructed at the end of the operation.